BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – Recognizing the challenges and concerns presented by the ever-changing situation related to COVID-19, the Indiana University Kelley School of Business has extended deadlines for several programs and made other accommodations for applicants.
Below is information for each Kelley program:
Undergraduate Program (at IU Bloomington):
- As stated by the IU Bloomington Office of Admissions, the deadline to reserve a seat in the undergraduate program for the upcoming fall term is June 1.
- The latest information about admissions the Kelley Undergraduate Program is available at the program’s web site.
- Details on virtual visit options (including one-on-one appointments) are available here for IU Bloomington and here for the Kelley School.
- Residential Programs and Services’ web site has information about housing applications.
Full-Time MBA Program:
- The Full-Time MBA Program, following their April 15 deadline, will continue to accept applications from domestic candidates on a rolling basis until June 1. Candidates will be given full consideration for admission and merit-based financial aid.
- If disruptions caused by COVID-19 have delayed completion of the GMAT or GRE, candidates are welcome to submit their application prior to taking the tests. The admissions committee will begin the review process, but test scores must be submitted before a final decision is made.
- While campus visits have been temporarily suspended, candidates are welcome to contact the program (iumba@indiana.edu) if they’d like to arrange a chat by phone or Skype with a member of the admissions team.
- More information about the Full-Time MBA Program is available at the program’s web site.
Kelley Direct online MBA and MS Programs:
- The application deadline for the fall 2020 cohort of the Kelley Direct Online MBA Program has been extended to July 15. In addition to experiencing the program’s on-demand virtual open house, applicants can also join admission staff for online office hours and register to attend live info sessions by visiting the Kelley Direct Programs Meet Us page.
- The deadline for applying to Kelley Direct’s Master of Science programs is unchanged and remains Aug. 1.
- The application deadlines for the fully online MS in Accounting via edX and MS in Information Technology Management via edX is unchanged and remains Aug. 1.
Master of Science in Information Systems:
- Limited to applicants from undergraduate programs at Kelley, the Luddy School of Informatics and Computing and Engineering and +Kelley students (IU College of Arts and Sciences and DePauw University students only) graduating this spring with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Test scores may be waived.
- Those applying must be nominated by a faculty member or academic/career advisor in writing, sent to msis@indiana.edu.
- Deadline for applications to the MSIS is April 20 (was previously March 1). Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis until the class is full.
- More information about the MSIS Program is available at the program’s web site.
Master of Science in Finance:
- The application deadline for the summer 2020 cohort of the residential Master of Science in Finance has been extended to April 30 from March 1. The program is set to begin with summer classes, most likely online.
Master of Science in Accounting:
- The application deadline for the fall 2020 cohort for the Master of Science in Accounting will be extended to July 1 for U.S. students (from March 1). Test score requirements for Kelley Bloomington students and those with a GPA of 3.5 or higher will be waived. The program is set to begin in the fall with Jumpstart classes this summer, most likely online.
Kelley/Manchester Global MBA (Executive Degree Programs):
- Students are required to submit results of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), the Graduate Records Examinations (GRE) or the Manchester Admissions Test (MAT). The MAT can be completed from an applicant’s home computer after receiving the link from the Alliance Manchester Business School. The link is requested on the application. When the application is submitted, the link will be sent.
- The standardized test requirement will not be waived, and there will not be a deadline extension. All applicants can take the MAT and submit the application by July 1.
Graduate certificates (Executive Degree Programs):
- Graduate certificates offered online by Executive Degree Programs do not require that applicants take the GMAT or GRE. Application deadlines for each certificate program vary and remain unchanged. More information about each certificate program is available online.
Undergraduate Program (at IUPUI):
- As stated by the IUPUI Office of Admissions, the deadline to reserve a seat in the undergraduate program for the upcoming fall term is June 1.
- Housing applications also will be accepted through that date, but changes to submitted preferences on the application will not be possible after May 11
- The latest information about admissions is available at the program’s web site.
Evening MBA Program (at IUPUI):
- The Evening MBA Program will accept applications and admit students on a rolling basis, for either the August or November cohorts. The application deadline for an August start is July 16 and the deadline for the December start is Oct. 7. While those applying are encouraged to submit application materials as early as possible, please connect with admissions staff about testing postponements or other concerns related to applications.
- In some cases, the program may be able to review applications without all the required materials. To learn more, experience an online info session or contact the program at mbaindy@iupui.edu or 317-274-4895.
Business of Medicine Physician MBA Program:
- The Business of Medicine Physician MBA Program has extended its fall 2020 application deadline to August 1 (from July 15). Admissions staff remains at the ready to assist physicians with their MBA decision research and application. Learn more at kbizmed@iu.edu or 317-274-3855.