BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – Idalene “Idie” Kesner, dean of the Indiana University Kelley School of Business, has announced a broad initiative to address issues of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Kesner on Aug. 17 announced the appointment of a school-wide committee, chaired by Jason Brown, associate professor of accounting (pictured left), that will include students, faculty and staff. The committee, which was originally established at the end of July, has been given a mission to “examine our systems, structures, and curricula for unconscious biases and opportunities to foster a culture of inclusion and respect.”
“Although Kelley has made steady gains in the recruitment and retention of diverse students, the recent racial injustices and protests across the country and in our own back yard have shown us our efforts don’t go nearly deep enough,” Kesner said. “We need to address systemic racism, prejudice and privilege, and to prepare our students to be anti-racist business leaders. To do that, we need the kind of change that can be made only through critical assessment and difficult conversations.”
“The committee and I are excited to begin this important work at Kelley,” Brown added. “We are inspired by the support that we have received from the entire Kelley community. Working with the committee in partnership with students, faculty and staff, I am confident that we will further Kelley’s commitment to a fully inclusive community.”
Recommendations from Kelley’s DEI Committee will be considered by the Office of the Dean for implementation, including matters of timing and resourcing. The committee’s work will focus on six areas listed below, followed by committee members leading the work:
- Structural and organizational changes, led by Tiesha Douglas, a lecturer in communication, professional, and computer skills; and Abbey Stemler, assistant professor of business law and ethics
- Faculty and staff recruitment, retention, and training, led by Carolyn Goerner, clinical professor of management and entrepreneurship and ALDI, Inc. Distinguished I-Core Clinical Professor
- Curricular changes, led by Eric Metzler, instructional support and assessment specialist
- Co-curricular changes, led by Quentin Speight, Kelley Direct assistant director of student experience
- Graduate programs, led by Regina Funk, director of diversity and inclusion for graduate programs
- Undergraduate Program, led by Josh Perry, chair and associate professor of business law and ethics; and Carmund White, associate director of the Undergraduate Program and its director of diversity initiatives
As the diversity statement on the Kelley School website says, “’Go from moment to momentum’ has never been more important.” Prior efforts at Kelley have included more than 100 initiatives — including the annual National Diversity Case Competition pictured above — that have led to significant improvements, but many at the school resolve “to do more and do better.”
Or as Kesner puts it: “We can and must create a fair and just environment for everyone in the Kelley family.”