BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business is among the top 10 business schools worldwide in terms of productivity and impact, according to the leading measure of published research contributions.

Rebecca Slotegraaf
The Kelley School was ranked ninth in the University of Texas at Dallas’ worldwide rankings of top research schools, with 235 total articles published by the school’s faculty between 2018 and 2022. Its faculty research output was more than any other school in the Big Ten. The school also was ranked ninth among North American business schools and second among public programs.
The annual ranking is based on research contributions by a school’s faculty over a four-year period. The Kelley School has consistently moved up in the UT-Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings of schools worldwide — rising from 26th in the 2019 ranking to 19th in 2020, 15th in 2021 and 14th last year.
No other business school in Indiana was ranked in the top 30.
The Naveen Jindal School of Management at the UT-Dallas on April 4 released their results, which are believed to be the most comprehensive measure of research activity at business schools. It has tracked the publications of business school faculty worldwide since 1990 in 24 leading academic journals, all of which are peer-reviewed. It then ranks the schools based on the number of articles published in those journals by their faculty members over a four-year period.
The UT-Dallas ranking is designed to be useful to both business school administrators and faculty members in measuring their research activities in the journals included in the study. They see their rankings as another tool for business school faculty members and administrators to use in benchmarking themselves against their peers.
“It is widely known that our programs are consistently ranked among the best, but these rankings underscore that our faculty are thought leaders who create knowledge, enabling them to better prepare students and help Indiana and U.S. businesses remain competitive,” said Rebecca Slotegraaf, associate dean for research and a professor of marketing at Kelley.
“One of our missions as a school is to produce a better understanding of the problems organizations face today, so they can adapt and respond to new challenges,” Slotegraaf added. “These new perspectives, based on research, can help other scholars and managers examine issues and concerns in a new light.”